
Maritsa Residence

“MARITSA RESIDENCE” is a residential building located in the city of Plovdiv in an area near the Language School called “Maritsa North Residential Park”. The neighborhood is new, modern and very diverse in visual terms. In most of the plots, residential buildings have already been realized, which have a similar scale and are distinguished by diverse and ambitious solutions in terms of form and colors. That is why we decided that the best way for our building to stand out, without conflicting with the vision of the neighboring buildings, is to rely on a calmer appearance and a generalized form, achieved with quality materials and details.

The building is a parallelepiped, framed with white stripes, which is broken only at its two opposite edges, which are treated differently – with oval lines and by changing the material to bronze. The peculiar “bites” of the main volume, which are obtained in this way, aim to create a feeling of a shell and a core.

The property in which the building is located has considerable depth. In order to avoid overshadowing the neighboring properties, as required by law, and at the same time to obtain a compact shape, we decided to change the coordinate system of the building in relation to the lines of the property. Thus, we obtained two triangular courtyards, in one of which is the main entrance space of the property and the car ramp that leads to the underground garage. The other triangular courtyard is more sheltered and is completely landscaped, so that it serves as a resting area, and in its farthest corner we placed a children’s corner.

The generalized form of the building pays off in functional terms. In plan, it does not have large bends in which the different apartments face each other. The apartments are of regular shape, the functional connections are short, so that the ratio of the common areas to the living area is optimal.

Coral Residence

„Корал Резиденс“ се намира на главния път Варна – Златни пясъци, малко зад първа линия, в зона за жилищно обитаване. Комплексът се състои от две сгради с богато озеленена градина с обособени зони за отдих, детски кът и басейн. По-голямата част от апартаментите разполагат с морска панорама. Фасадите са решени с меки, овални форми и са изпълнени с HPL-плоскости с дървесен фладер.

Moreni club residens

Moreni club residents

„Морени клуб резиденс“ е жилищен комплекс, разположен върху терен с площ 91 дка, с ниско етажно застрояване и панорама към Витоша.

Комплексът се състои от триетажни сгради с апартаменти и два вида еднофамилни къщи – луксозни и редови. Изложението на сградите е изток-запад, а разпределението им е замислено така че всички апартаменти да имат гледка към Витоша. Дневните на по-голямата част от сградите са със светла височина 330см.

Едно от основните предимства на комплекс Морени е парковата среда, в която се намират сградите. Покритата река, която минава през имота е използвана за създаването на езеро, което да обогати зоната за разходки. Всички коли са изнесени по периферията, което прави възможно богатото озеленяване и допринася за безопасността. Паркирането се осъществвява предимно в подземни паркинги или по протежение на околовръстния път, който ги захранва.

Материалите използвани са фасадите са естествено дърво и камък.

Tanchevi House

Tanchevi House

The Developer of this project is a family with three children who have inherited a property with several large pine trees in one of the most attractive areas around Varna. The main objective of the project was to preserve and emphasize those trees when developing the building. The house itself is located in the northern part of the property with southeast and southwest exposure. It consists of three above ground floors, one underground level and a semi-underground garage, located in the southern lower part of the land: the roof is used as an additional terrace to the yard. The family’s day to day activities are organized on the first floor, providing direct access to the garden and there is also a guest bedroom. The family bedrooms are located on the second level, each with a private bathroom and a closet. A fitness-centre, a sauna and an additional guest room are located on the third level.
The materials used for the facade are suspended panels of FIBER C and wood cladding that emphasize the simple and modern look of the house and enrich the feeling of natural beauty created by the trees that have been preserved.

Boutique Home Byala

Boutique Home Byala

Бутик Хоум Бяла представлява комплекс от четири редови еднофамилни къщи разположен на първа линия на морския бряг в гр. Бяла. Имотът е високо над морското равнище и разполага с изключително красива морска панорама. Целта при разработването на проекта беше да запазим усещането за отделни къщи и в същото време да дадем възможност на обитателите им да се наслаждават по различни начини на гледката.

Дневните са разположени на първия етаж, всяка има собствена веранда отделена от съседите с ивица висока растителност, след която продължава общия двор. По този начин се подсигурява самостоятелност без високи зидове, които да ограничават хоризонта и в същото време се създават условия за социални контакти между съседите и общо ползване и поддръжка на двора. Спалните са разположени на втория етаж в компактни паралелепипеди облечени с естествено дърво, които са ротирани перпендикулярно спрямо етажа с дневните. С това решение редовите къщи се сдобиват с две допълнителни тераси на втория етаж и на покрива, които позволяват по-голямо уединение и различно преживяване. Вторият етаж на всяка къща излиза конзолно над входовете от север и над верандите от юг, превръщайки се по този начин в необходимата козирка за защита от слънце и дъжд.

Aquarelle 3 Residential Complex

Aquarelle 3 Residential Complex

“Aquarelle 3” complex is situated on a plot of 6,234 sq.m. and consists of three buildings with four residential units. A total of 118 apartments have been designed, whose area ranges from 57 to 157 sq.m.
The layout of the buildings is fully consistent with the existing pine forest on the plot. One of the greatest achievements of the project is that the developer’s programme has been implemented while retaining 95% of the valuable trees. As a result, the complex’s residents are surrounded by a beautiful wild forest with its distinctive aroma and a carpet of pine needles. In addition to the desirable year-round scenery, the pine trees form a natural visual barrier between neighbouring buildings. A further feature is that the design of the facades is also inspired by the pine forest and its dappled shade.
The HPL panels’ perforation arrangement is based on a photo of the forest. Other facilities are also incorporated, with outdoor and indoor parking spaces also provided for the residents of the complex. In addition, one of the buildings offers an indoor pool with size of 4.70 by 14.00 m., a fitness centre and a sauna, several indoor halls for table tennis, and an indoor playground for children.

Prestige Apartments

Prestige Apartments

Проектът включва 2 сгради в съседни имоти в един от крайградските жилищни райони на Варна в близост до курортния комплекс „Св. св. Константин и Елена“. Сградите са разположени свързано в два отделни парцела и са с различна височина. Проектирани са общо 26 апартамента с площ от 55 до 180 кв. м, които ползват общ двор с басейн, барбекю и детска площадка.
Предвидени са открити паркоместа по контура на имота към обслужващите улици. При проектирането на сградите се стремяхме да създадем усещане за единство. Постигнахме го с фасади, решени с еднакви материали – каменна облицовка, цветни мазилки и вертикално озеленяване.

Complex Osmi mart

Complex Osmi mart

Комплекс осми март се намира в жилищен квартал застроен със смесица от панелни блокове от седемдесетте години на двайсти век и кооперации строени в началото на двайсет и първи. Характерно за квартала е хроничният недостиг на паркоместа, което съчетано с липсата на правила за платено паркиране, увеличава рискът всяка свободна площ, включително и озеленена, да се превърне в нерегламентиран паркинг.

Планировката на комплексът е направена така, че да избегне тези рискове. На първо място са осигурени всички изискуеми по закон паркоместа, чрез закрити паркинги на приземно и подземно ниво. Общият двор за живущите е повдигнат на втори ниво над партера, което позволява той да се използва и съответно да се поддържа ексклузивно от тях. Жилищата са разположени в три секции с изложение изток и запад, между които се оформят два вътрешни двора, достъпни от всички жилища.

Дворовете са застлани с гумирана спортна настилка, подходяща за игра на деца и са озеленени с дървета и многогодишни храсти, от видове, които се поддържат лесно. Червеният цвят на дворовете преминава и по фасадите на жилищните сгради, създавайки чувството за сърцевина. Решението комплексът да има две различни фасади като цвят и начин на третиране, цели да създаде чувство за вън и вътре.

WAVE Resort

WAVE Resort

WAVE resort is a family-friendly hotel built on almost 50K m2 on the Black Sea coast. It is primarily an all inclusive summer hotel, but also promotes wellness, health, and congress tourism. Set within generously spacious grounds, WAVE resort stands out among other Bulgarian Black Sea hotel complexes. The investors have dedicated two thirds of the plot to attractions and open areas in order to ensure a more sustainable business model.

The main building is strategically positioned to block traffic noise from the road nearby and to preserve as much of the outdoor grounds as possible. Guests are able to enjoy the wonderful sea views from all of the rooms, restaurants, lobby, and the spa centre. The lobby has a panoramic terrace overlooking the iconic fountains and gardens, which smoothly blend into the sea view. The swimming pools are located away from the sleeping premises and in favour of reducing noise and ultimate comfort, the water areas are divided in separate zones: children, teenagers, families and adults-only relaxation zone. The complex has its own aqua park, a children’s club, and an amphitheatre, all housed in different buildings. A beautifully landscaped garden with local flora is locked between the outdoor activities zone and the beach.

The aim of the design was to avoid the usual trappings that can be seen in all-inclusive hotels of crowding large numbers of people in common areas, restaurants, and pools by providing an possibilities of being able to maintain the guests’ private space. Over 800 sunbeds are positioned around the curved outline of the pool and in order to achieve privacy they are being divided in smaller groups by green separation walls. The restaurant and the terrace are separated by stone walls, purposefully directing the eye towards the picturesque display.

All 426 rooms, flats, and penthouses overlook the sea. The rooms on the ground floor have access to their own small private pools. The complex also has five restaurants, four of which are themed. The spa centre and indoor pool cover an area of 2,500 m2 and  there is also a 400-seat conference hall which can be divided into two smaller halls depending on the event. Common areas feature large windows and glass partitions, making them bright and airy; green park areas discreetly separate the wellness areas from the people flow.

Regarding the design brief, the investors’ aim was to achieve an intriguing modern look which at the same time should not be too extreme and extravagant in order for the guests to be able to relate to it, rather than be intimidated. To achieve that we have designed a hybrid: both contemporary and up to date with the trends, as well as replying on classical approaches which have been established as timeless and people can recognise. The symmetry and the palace outlines were purposefully designed with this concept in mind. Another classical feature is the ratio between the high solid common area floors, and the lighter lower levels. The hotels’ two-storey base is clad with large sand-coloured limestone, often found in the Black Sea coastal area. The higher floors are designed to echo water surfaces. Their shape is also a nod to the style of the first hotels that were built on the Black sea- modernism.

The facade of the entrance and the lobby were of high importance due to being the initial and primary source of impression upon arrival. The massive glazed entrance doors welcome the guests to a large atrium, extending up above the entire six levels. On the front facade on either side, there are large plant pots which are laid out like a chessboard.

Three design studios worked on the interior design of the hotel – Studio MODE on the lobby, Esta Design Studio on the rooms and corridors, and Home Basic on the restaurants, spa centre, and conference halls. The landscaping was by PalmArt.

Santa Home

The project is located in a suburban residential area near the seasidewith low-rise buildings. The plot was formerly used as a filling station, but its attractive features – good location and access, slightly sloping land facing south and the beautiful view of the sea, make it suitable for  residential building.

The plot has a triangular form and the building is situated on the widest part, pointing south, so the frontage of the building has a sea view. The garden comprises two areas – the northern one is used for parking and the southern as a recreational space for the residents with a pool and a roof with natural greenery on top of the underground garage.

The main concept of the building is to take maximum advantage of the sea view, so in all apartments large windows in the living area look out to the sea  and along the southern facade there are terraces with glass railings. The other facades, which face the streets and the neighboring buildings, have smaller windows. Careful thought has been given to the appearance of the apartments. The different functions of the rooms  (bedrooms, bathrooms and stairs) determine the different sizes of the windows. Thus, along with the pattern of the facade cladding, the use of different elements rotated  90° against each other, creates the distinctive appearance of the building. Materials used are HPL plates by Trespa and plaster.